Christopher Lee is so shuai!!! haha… watching the final episode of that ‘quite lame’ show online now… waiting for it to buffer… *drools* haha…

some of my friends from sec school would remember me crazy over christopher lee one period of time… haha! still wanted to buy his 1st and last album… haha! but didnt get down to buying it. haha… I think some men when they age, they look better lor, charming and charismatic. Christopher lee is one, so is tony leung, and andy lau!! haha…

hope my baby falls into this category and not a pot-bellied balding baby… (sooo bad… oops..) hee hee… ;P

Tiring but fulfilling week :)

I started working this week.

No office work, no 9-5 workdays, no facing the computer, no office politics. Sounds good yeah? 

i think so. :)

I’m working with kids! Yeap, kids who are untainted with gossipping, rumours… I see their innocent side and am reminded of my own happy childhood. How i really wish to go back being a kid, carefree and all…  

Work’s just at the studentcare centre within 3 mins walk from my place. No need to wake up early, best part! start at 1.30, end at 7.

Dealing with 20 plus kids, mostly pri 1-3 (some upper pri kids too) is definitely not easy, tiring in fact. I truly respect my co-teacher, who’s such a great lady to work with.

Today, friday, is excursion day! Went to haw par villa and west coast park… under the hot sun, but beats raining. leading the kids lining up in 2 straight rows was a nice feeling. hearing them call me ‘teacher allyssa’ is really sweet too.

But of course, occasionally i have to be fierce and yell at them when they get out of hand… tt’s the tiring part.

group phto at haw par… somehow i blend in with the kids.. (yeah right, a mega huge kid, haha!)

she’s so cute… geraldine wore like a little princess today. Rabbit hairband…

and a real rabbit we saw at ‘hua song’ – the museum cum restaurant at haw par villa.

Uncle Wong explaining in the museum..

sheila, candy, varena… so cute!!!

with qing wen… who loves snacking but very cute too, always hold my hand…

qiao xin, who’s a really helpful girl and ziyun, so sweet looking, very smart and hardworking too…

the boys! strong as a sumo!! they are actually quite manageable…

Andy and danyl… andy looks big but he’s actually p6, danyl is new today’s his first day with us..

from haw par we took a walk to the nearby bus stop across the bridge and took a bus to west coast park. the park was crowded with other kids from primary schools or other student care… had no nearby shelter for us so i took a walk to hunt for a shelter and lo and behold! this beautiful space for us…! there’s the sea view too! beautiful aint it? all empty waiting for us!

the kids had their mac donald’s meal here.. so did i, after they were all settled down with their food.

games at the park.. west coast park’s like this really big fun playground where any kid would love to go.. seriously… haha

the girls, having some argument with mansip, who’s quite a cute boy… poor thing, vomitted twice just now.. :(

We headed back to the student care centre just before the sky started to cloud, just nice timing. On the MRT from habour back, i talked to candy and qingwen of the girls and they shared their little views, and their thinking is just so pure. Can laugh at the silliest little thing… =)

Reached back at 5pm, just nice timing, stayed till 7pm and had a nice good chat with my co-teacher, Sandra… Very capable and nice lady!

After work, i walked back home, took a nice cool bathe and met daniel. was feeling very tired already, but still went out. he was tired too, so we kinda attituded each other.. haha. Bought him his bday gift… a handphone! haha… just a basic one cos he needs for his work.

Was so meant to be a surprise la! stupid baby! guessed dao i will get his a phone… arrggh… i traded in my old phone, was quite a good price leh… really leh, come to think about it, dunno why leh. And malu-ed myself by acting really ‘qian bian’ (kiam pa) with the shop owner… haha!  the owner knows full well tt i dropped my water (to be exact in toilet bowl) before… haha, and still try to bargain when the price is already good liao… haha… Qian bian me…

fat baby with his phone… haha. We were suprised that there were many games inside the phone!!! cute games too! and baby’s fav – soccer game… Quite happy with the deal la.. was honestly a good deal

looks so excited with his new phone…

looks small on baby’s hands though… haha… but he’s find with it…

1, 2, 3 yippee!!!

my turn!!

Haha!! ending picture to keep me going and laughing!

baby, jia you kk!!! will support you one, dun worry…