
Caught the much raved about Iron Man last weekend. Wasn’t very interested initially but i changed my mind after watching it! Set in the present day context where terrorism is a huge threat, it’s the best superhero movie, in my opinion. Instead of wearing tights and exposing his underwear, this superhero is one of a kind, clad in a hot iron suit! Cool, love the Iron Man costume… It’s so ingenious of Tony Stark to create his first prototype while in captive…  Btw, this superhero is no bespectacled geek (like spidey and red underwear superman), he’s a tad older but still exudes charisma.


On our way to Yishun Golden Village…

(wat a naughty face baby!! haha…)


Tuesday was my last paper!!! This sem’s exam schedule was the best! I only have 3 papers… love it. Although my first 2 papers are back to back, one after the other but i still managed somehow. I’ll definitely have to S/U my intro to computing, just hope i dun fail can le… Should be fine la *cross fingers*

I have quite a good feeling about the exam, so hope my hunch is correct (“,) *grinz*

Last paper was NM3219, and we all had lunch together (project group), talked for whole 2 hours about shopping in HK and what to check out there (cos both steph and candice been there and they’re quite pro about the places to visit in HK lor, esp stef.. haha)

Took photos with them for keepsake, and we went to the area outside as7 com lab, low and behold, the grasspatch was bald! haha… but does look quite scenic though, like a kampung… haha..

here’s manyi, she’s from AJC too, but it was only last year when i went for Sentosa interview that we really started talking… Haha, we keep joking that we can always hang out at Vivocity some time, cos that’s where we officially started talking as friends :) She’s a real nice lady…

Manyi: hope to keep in touch with you after you graduate! and jia you in your job hunt! :)

Here’s my groupmates, less nikki –  me, steph, manyi, candice

A great group to work with… always alot of jokes and laughter with them

Tuesday was also my 17th month-sery with baby. He bought me a gift when i didnt have time to get him any cos of exams… Sorry dear, i promise next month you’ll get a surprise k

It’s a hairband that i’ve been wanting to get, but felt was too ex for a hair accessory. Love the nautica blue colour… (lately the breakouts on my forehead are getting quite bad as you can see)

Enjoyed our dinner together, our first date was also at that same restaurant.. hee… *blush*

A make-your-own-bear shop… Cute but sooo.. ex la. I actually prefer the bear shop at esplanade..

Tootsie baby…

Zi lian at home..

To end off, share something really really cute… (i feel)

Haha… never fails to make me laugh, this cute photo of baby…